We want you to be completely satisfied with your shopping experience at Christian International’s Online Store located at As such, we offer a full 30-day return period (calculated from the date shipped) on any unopened item(s) purchased from our online store.
To be eligible for a return, the item(s) must be in in the original (new), salable, “as shipped” condition, with no damage or wear. Prior authorization and approval must be received before returns are accepted.
Audio and video items that have been opened are not returnable.
Digital products and downloadable items are not refundable.
Approved refunds will consist of original sales price (less shipping costs) less a 25% re-stocking fee refunded to the original payment method (credit/debit card) used during the time of purchase.
We charge a 25% re-stocking fee is to cover our administrative, processing, packaging, and customer service costs associated with your original order and returning the merchandise to our inventory.
We reserve the right to determine if returned items qualify for a refund based on the requirements outlined under Returns above.
Customer/purchaser will be responsible for any and all charges incurred for return shipping. It is the customer’s/purchaser’s responsibility to ensure that the returns are properly packaged and protected during transit to mitigate any damage or loss. We are not responsible for any damage to returned items during return shipping or for lost shipments.
For assistance or support, please call (800) 388-5308 or email