“It seems as though there are many in the body of Christ today that have placed the church, the gathering of believers, last on their list. No longer is it a priority. It takes a back seat to other things they have going on in their lives.” Such powerful comments adorn the pages of Robert Gay’s new work, Planted.
Gay aptly demonstrates that while the Lord desires for every believer to be planted, the concept of commitment to the local body demonstrated by many who regard themselves as Christian is alien to God’s will for their lives. Until we become committed afresh, we risk missing the harvest of fruit borne by the blessing of being secured in good ground.
Planted is a book that intrigues the reader from the first word to the last. Robert Gay places biblical wisdom about God’s desires for His people into a context that touches the heart regardless of where you stand with Him.
Planted inspires and uplifts. It gives confirmation that God continues to nurture and tend those planted in His garden.
Planted teaches that fruit comes only as a product of being planted in fertile soil, that God is glorified when we bear fruit, and that our fruitfulness swells the heart of the Father.
Planted is a book that every pastor will appreciate and will want each of his members to read.