The Day of the Saints


The Day of the Saints is written with a sense of urgency and a surge of passion about God’s great plans for His end-time people. With prophetic clarity, author Bill Hamon, fits together the Biblical directives and the spiritual power that will prepare and propel the saints of God into the world. The saints of God are called to take the message of the Kingdom into the marketplaces of the world and Dr. Hamon shows how all of history has been moving towards this magnificent end.

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Product Description

The Day of the Saints unveils the ministries that will be manifested in this coming 21st century Saints Movement.  Empowered with persuasive declarations, Dr. Hamon outlines God’s revelation for this next major move on the earth, effectively illustrating the part that each participant will play.

  • How to be activated in your spiritual gifts
  • Why five-fold ministers must equip the saints
  • Qualifications for operating in the supernatural
  • How God’s people will determine “sheep” and “goat” nations
  • How restoration is making preparation for the Day of the Saints

“As a consultant to clients such as AT&T, IBM, Kodak, the U.S. Navy, United Airlines, and Wal-Mart Corporation, I thought I had arrived until I met Dr. Bill Hamon.  His revelation of marketplace ministry changed my life forever.  Hearing God’s voice in  business changes everyone and everything you touch.”  -Sanford G. Kulkin, PH.D.

422 pgs

Additional information

Weight 22 oz
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