by Christian International | Apr 30, 2024 | Articles
The Nine Gifts of the Spirit: How They Shape Our Faith and Point to Jesus
Let’s talk about living a prophetic lifestyle and using the gifts of the Spirit. When we embrace the gifts of prophecy, words of knowledge, discernment, and more, we’re tapping into God’s supernatural power to impact lives.
Living prophetically means being sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and open to His revelations. It’s about listening to His whispers and acting upon them. As we operate in these gifts, we can speak words of encouragement, provide timely guidance, and offer comfort to those in need. It’s amazing how a simple message or insight can bring hope and transformation to someone’s life.
This lifestyle revolves around the Holy Spirit’s nine special gifts, which are outlined in the Bible (1 Corinthians 12: 4-11). These gifts aren’t just for us; they are tools to help us guide others towards Jesus. All believers can operate in at least one of these gifts, we have to discover what gifts God has built into the fabric of our being so we can learn, activate and practice them.
Let’s break down these gifts and understand how they help us lead a life that points to Jesus:
- Word of Wisdom is like a supernatural download of top-notch advice, direct from the Spirit. It’s not just smart thinking, but God-given insights for tough spots, giving believers the right words to say. By sharing this heavenly wisdom, we can show God’s love, bring peace to tricky situations, and help others in their spiritual journey. It’s all about making God’s wisdom real for folks around us.
- Word of Knowledge is like getting insider info straight from God, giving you super insights into people or situations. It’s not book-smarts or life experience, but a spiritual download to help the church. By using it wisely, you can show God’s love, reach people when they need it most. It’s a supernatural tool to make your witness a game-changer!
- Gift of Faith is like a spiritual adrenaline shot when things get crazy tough. It’s not your regular faith, but a turbo-charged belief in God’s ability. When you face impossible situations, this gift kicks in, allowing you to trust in God’s supernatural power. And here’s the cool part: it often comes with other special gifts, like the ability to work miracles. So, when you use this gift, you’re not just showing faith, but showing others the incredible love and power of God in action.
- Gifts of Healings are God’s gift for making people whole again. It’s not just about fixing physical ailments, but also healing the mind and heart. This isn’t some mind-over-matter stuff; it’s all about putting our faith in Jesus and relying on God’s mercy. Remember, it’s not up to us to force healing, but to trust the Holy Spirit’s leading. When we use these gifts, we’re not just showing love, but showing others that God’s healing power is real and available to them too.
- Working of Miracles is like having a direct line to God’s amazing power! It’s all about doing things that blow our minds, like healing the sick or kicking out evil spirits. When we use this gift, we’re not just showing off, but showing the world that God is real and powerful. It’s a crucial part of spreading the Good News and letting others see God’s love in action. Miracles aren’t just ancient stories; they still happen today, and we can be a part of them!
- Gift of Prophecy is like having a direct hotline to hear God’s voice! It’s not just preaching or teaching, but something special. With this gift, we can encourage, predict, and bring comfort to others, speaking straight from God’s heart. We’re not all prophets, but when we use this gift wisely, we can guide people closer to Jesus. Just remember to be discerning and avoid false inspiration. It’s an amazing tool that shows God’s love and leads others to Him.
- Discerning of Spirits is a supernatural radar! The Holy Spirit hooks us up with a divine radar to spot what’s really going on around us. It’s not just intuition; it reveals the true nature of things, uncovers deceptive spirits, and keeps us from being fooled. With this gift, we can navigate our spiritual journey, stay safe from deception, and help others by showing them the truth. It’s a powerful way to demonstrate God’s love and protect ourselves and others.
- Different Kinds of Tongues gives us a heavenly language connection! It’s a special gift that lets us communicate with God in a unique way, kind of like a secret prayer code. When we use it in the church, we should make sure someone interprets it so everyone can understand and be encouraged. It’s a sign that we’ve got the Holy Spirit, and it helps us stay connected to God’s plan and do awesome things for Him.
- Interpretation of Tongues is like being a divine translator! It’s not just about understanding different languages word for word. It’s about getting to the heart of the message and making it clear for everyone. When we use this gift, we show God’s love by helping others grasp the amazing things He’s saying. It’s like unlocking the mysteries and sharing God’s wisdom with the whole church. It’s a special way to connect people and bring them closer to God.
Living a prophetic lifestyle doesn’t demand instant perfection. It’s about doing our best, learning from our mistakes, and growing stronger in faith. It means using these nine gifts to lead our actions and attitudes, guiding ourselves and others towards Jesus. It’s about listening to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, serving others with love, and becoming a living example of Jesus’s love.
And there’s the key: we must ALWAYS use these gifts to serve others with love. Love should be the driving force behind everything we do. When we operate in the gifts of the Spirit, it’s not about showing off or impressing others. It’s about genuinely caring for people and desiring their well-being.
By using the gifts of the Spirit in love, we show others the heart of God. We become vessels of His love, mercy, and compassion. Our words and actions can bring healing, restoration, and breakthrough to those around us.
So, let’s embrace a prophetic lifestyle by staying close to God, seeking His guidance, and allowing His love to flow through us. Let’s be attentive to the needs of others, offering encouragement, speaking words of wisdom, and extending a helping hand. By applying the Holy Spirit’s gifts daily, we can live in a way that truly reflects our faith and draws ourselves and others closer to Jesus. And in doing so, we become channels of God’s love, touching lives and making a positive impact in our world.
by Christian International | Apr 30, 2024 | Articles
What is The Prophetic? Unveiling the Essence of Prophecy
By Dr Bill Hamon
Throughout history, prophets have played a pivotal role in various cultures, religions, and societies. The prophetic is a concept deeply ingrained in human existence, sparking curiosity and inspiring wonder. But what exactly is the prophetic? In this article, we will delve into the essence of prophecy, exploring its significance, characteristics, and impact on different aspects of life.
Understanding Prophecy
At its core, prophecy is a communication channel between God and people. It is a beautiful connection where individuals receive messages or revelation about the past, present, or future. Prophets, in their unique capacity, serve as connectors between people and God’s voice.
Characteristics of the Prophetic
Divine Revelation
The prophetic experience entails receiving revelations through the Holy Spirit. These revelations can manifest in various forms, such as visions, dreams, auditory messages, or an overwhelming sense of discernment. Through these means, God speaks to, and through, His prophets.
Clarity of Message
Prophecy carries a distinct clarity that sets it apart from ordinary communication between individuals. The prophetic message is often direct, obvious, and laden with a sense of urgency or importance. Prophets release prophetic words with conviction, providing guidance or sometimes warnings to those who their words are destined for.
Guidance and Direction
One of the primary purposes of prophecy is to guide individuals, communities, or even entire nations. Prophets bring forth wisdom, moral teachings, and instructions that can shape the course of actions for individuals or societies. Their words may encompass advice on matters of faith, social justice, personal conduct, or navigating challenging times.
Contextual Relevance
The prophetic often arises in specific historical, cultural, or religious contexts. Prophets emerge in response to the needs and challenges of their times. They may address issues such as social injustice, political corruption, moral decay, or spiritual renewal, tailoring their messages to resonate with the prevailing circumstances.
Impacts of the Prophetic
Spiritual Awakening
Prophecy has the potential to awaken spiritual consciousness and deepen one’s relationship with God. The prophetic message often evokes a sense of awe, reverence, and contemplation, prompting individuals to reflect on their beliefs and values.
Moral and Ethical Guidance
Prophetic teachings frequently emphasize moral principles and ethical conduct. They serve as beacons of righteousness, reminding individuals and societies of their inherent responsibilities and obligations toward one another.
Historical Significance
Throughout history, the prophetic has played a crucial role in shaping societies and civilizations. Prophets have challenged oppressive systems, advocated for social justice, and inspired transformative movements, leaving an indelible mark on human history.
Inspiration and Hope
Prophecy has the power to inspire individuals, filling them with hope and resilience in the face of adversity. The prophetic message can serve as a catalyst for personal growth, motivating individuals to pursue positive change and overcome challenges.
A Spiritual Gift
The prophetic is a profound and complex spiritual ministry that traverses cultural, religious, and historical boundaries. It serves as a conduit between God and people, providing spiritual guidance, moral teachings, and hope for the future. Through the ages, prophets have arisen to address the needs of their times, leaving lasting impacts on individuals and societies. Understanding the essence of the prophetic offers us a deeper appreciation for this powerful ministry that is to be treasured by all believers. 1 Corinthians 14:39.
Special thanks to Ruth Pearce for research, writing, and editorial support.
by Christian International | Apr 30, 2024 | Articles
Who is Prophetic?
Understanding the Prophetic and the Gift of Prophecy
By Dr, Bill Hamon
God’s desire to communicate with His people is evident throughout history and continues to be relevant in the lives of believers today. The prophetic plays a crucial role in facilitating this divine communication. Contrary to popular misconceptions, the ability to prophesy and the gift of prophecy are distinct concepts. In this article, we will explore the nature of the prophetic, highlighting the accessibility of the prophetic while distinguishing it from the specific gift of prophecy.
God’s Desire for Communication
From the dawn of creation, God has sought to communicate. From the beginning, God’s first act was to speak (Genesis 1:3) “Let there be light”, until the His final act to speak in Revelation 22:20 “Yes, I am coming quickly”. He longs for a personal and intimate relationship with His people. Throughout the Bible, we witness numerous instances of divine revelation and prophetic encounters, demonstrating God’s willingness to communicate His will, plans, and messages to humanity.
Prophetic Ministry
The gift of prophecy is a distinct spiritual ability bestowed upon individuals within the body of Christ. These individuals act as spokespersons for God, delivering His messages and speaking forth His Word. While the gift of prophecy can involve insights about the future, it primarily revolves around proclaiming the Word of God and conveying His truth to individuals, the church, or society at large.
Observations about the Prophetic
Prominence in Scripture
Prophecy is mentioned more frequently than any other spiritual gift. It is referred to in Romans 12:6, 1 Corinthians 12:28, 29; 13:1-3, 8; 14:6, and hundreds of times in the Old Testament. The apostles and prophets are identified as Jesus’ gifts to the church, serving as foundational pillars of the faith (Ephesians 2:20).
Proclaiming God’s Word
Prophecy focuses on proclaiming the Word of God, emphasizing His truth, teachings, and principles. While it may occasionally involve predictions or insights into the future, its primary purpose is to communicate God’s message to His people and edify the body of believers.
The Accessibility of the Prophetic
It is important to recognize that while the specific gift of prophecy or the call to be a prophet is bestowed upon certain individuals, the ability to recognize and hear God’s voice is accessible to all believers. Here are some key points to understand:
Divine Communication
God desires to communicate with each of His children. Through the Holy Spirit, He speaks to believers, providing guidance, wisdom, and insight into His will. The prophetic allows believers to receive direct revelation from God and discern His voice.
Prophetic Insights
The prophetic insights accessible to all believers involve personal guidance, encouragement, and discernment. Through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and a deepening relationship with God, individuals can develop sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading and gain insights into God’s purposes for their lives.
Distinguishing Between Prophesying and the Gift of Prophecy
Prophesying refers to the act of speaking forth a message inspired by God’s Spirit. It can occur spontaneously in the context of worship, prayer, or personal interactions. All believers have the capacity to prophesy under the leading of the Holy Spirit, offering encouragement, exhortation, or edification to others (1 Corinthians 14:3, 31).
Prophecy is a specific spiritual ministry that operates fully in those who are called to function as prophets. Prophetic people should develop a heightened sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading and receive regular and distinct insights from God, which they share with others.
In conclusion, the prophetic is not confined to a select few but is the means in which God communicates and is accessible to all believers. While the gift of prophecy is bestowed upon specific individuals, the ability to prophesy is available to every believer through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. As we cultivate our relationship with God, we can embrace the prophetic nature of our faith, discern His voice, and participate in His divine communication, ultimately deepening our walk with Him and impacting the lives of others.
Special thanks to Ruth Pearce for research, writing and editorial support.
by Christian International | Apr 30, 2024 | Articles
Spiritual Gifts
The Biblical Mandate for Active Participation
By Dr. Tim Hamon
In the harmonious choir of faith, every believer is granted spiritual gifts, echoing with divine resonance. These gifts, endowed by the Holy Spirit, serve as powerful tools for the building of the Church and the expansion of God’s Kingdom. Like unique notes in a symphony, each spiritual gift is essential to the melody of God’s work in the world. Yet, believers often find themselves divided over how these gifts should be understood and employed.
Two Views but all active.
These gifts, tools with which every believer can participate in God’s divine plan, are viewed differently across Christian traditions. Yet, regardless of one’s perspective on the nature of these gifts – be it the Constitutional View or the Sovereign View – the Scriptures echo a consistent refrain: Every believer is called to be active in employing their spiritual gifts.
The Constitutional View perceives spiritual gifts as a divine arsenal, accessible to all believers because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The idea here is akin to Paul’s exhortation in 1 Corinthians 12:7, “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” This perspective invites you to emulate the dynamism of the Holy Spirit, using whichever gift is required in response to God’s voice and the needs of your faith community.
Contrastingly, the Sovereign View suggests that the Holy Spirit bestows specific spiritual gifts upon individuals. As expressed in 1 Corinthians 12:11, “All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.” This view posits that these individually-tailored gifts, meant to be nurtured and used throughout one’s life, contribute to the diverse functionality of the body of Christ, as depicted in Romans 12:4-6.
Action is the Key
While these differences can lead to lively discussions, what remains clear in Scripture is the mandate for every believer to actively participate in the Body of Christ using their spiritual gifts. In Romans 12:6-8, the Apostle Paul emphasizes that we have different gifts, each to be used diligently and faithfully according to God’s grace. He also reminds in 1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” The Scriptures are unequivocal in urging believers to actively use their spiritual gifts “for the common good” (1 Corinthians 12:7). The injunction is clear: All believers, irrespective of the nature or number of their spiritual gifts, are called to use them in service to others.
In the din of differing views, it’s crucial to keep our focus clear. God speaks through each of us, in manifold ways, equipping us with the spiritual gifts necessary to fulfill His will. We should embrace this divine diversity in unity, pursuing love as the greatest gift (1 Corinthians 13:1-3) and striving to “Hear God’s Voice” as we navigate the melodious symphony of spiritual gifts.
It is in the joyful acceptance and active use of our spiritual gifts that we allow the voice of God to reverberate through our lives, touching others, and echoing in eternity. Regardless of our perspectives, we are all part of the same Body, called to serve the same Lord, and empowered by the same Spirit, in an abundance of expressions and services.
So, whether you find yourself aligning with the Constitutional or Sovereign view, the pivotal takeaway is not to bury your spiritual gifts. It is not for us to decide when, where, and how the Holy Spirit will manifest these gifts, but it is our responsibility to utilize them actively in service of God’s Kingdom. Each of us has a role to play in God’s grand narrative, a note to contribute to His symphony. Let us, therefore, make a joyful noise, using our spiritual gifts to their fullest potential, and in doing so, truly Hear God’s Voice.
Special thanks to Ruth Pearce for writing and editing support.
by Christian International | Apr 30, 2024 | Articles
God’s desire to communicate with us is evident throughout Scripture and is rooted in His nature and love for us. The God we worship is personal, expressive, and relational. He wants to interact with us, to share His thoughts and essence, and to foster intimacy. This desire for open and continual communication, which was initially tainted by sin, is nevertheless an enduring and defining feature of His relationship with us. Therefore, it is important to understand why God wants to communicate, what He seeks to convey, and what a personal and intimate relationship with Him entails.
Why God Wants to Communicate
God’s thoughts toward each of us are as countless as the grains of sand on the seashore (Psalm 139:17-18). The pervasive nature of sand, spreading and infiltrating everything, parallels God’s unceasing thoughts about us. They are so numerous that comprehending their entirety would demand eternity.
Scripture assures us that God’s thoughts have a purpose and a plan: to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:1). His thoughts towards us are not aimless or random; they have a specific purpose and plan. He thinks about the good things in store for us, and just as we would want to share our thoughts with someone we care about, God wants to communicate His plans, purposes, and promises to us.
1 John 4:8 tells us that God is love, and love naturally motivates one to communicate. Relationships are built and nurtured through communication, and God, as a loving Father, desires an intimate relationship with His children. He even describes Himself as the Living Word, encouraging us not to harden our hearts but to listen to His voice (Psalm 95:7-8).
God’s desire to communicate is evident through His actions and provisions. Despite humanity’s fall from grace, God still spoke to Adam and Eve, and later to rebellious Israel through His prophets like Jeremiah. This highlights His relentless desire to communicate, even when His chosen people weren’t ready to hear His words.
It is Common for God to Communicate
Throughout biblical history, we see God expressing Himself to humans and all of creation. He communicated with both the righteous and the sinners, using spoken words, visions, and dreams. The book of Genesis alone, records over fifty instances of God communicating with individuals, and the list only grows when we consider the entire Bible. God spoke to figures such as Moses, David, Solomon, Peter, and Paul, among many others.
God spoke through various means, including spoken words, visions, and dreams. He spoke to both the young and the old, sinners and saints, demonstrating that His desire to communicate is not limited to certain individuals or circumstances. If God communicated with them, why would He exclude us from His conversation? Hearing His voice places us in the company of great biblical figures throughout history.
God Created Us to Hear His Voice
It is important to recognize that God created us to hear His voice. Proverbs 20:12 tells us that the Lord has made both the hearing ear and the seeing eye. Our ability to hear God is not contingent upon our righteousness but on His grace and His desire to communicate with His children.
However, sin can hinder our ability to hear God’s voice. Feelings of guilt, a hardened heart, bitterness, unforgiveness, and condemnation can create barriers that prevent us from opening our spiritual ears to hear Him clearly. It is essential to address these hindrances and seek reconciliation with God so that we can experience the fullness of His communication.
God’s desire for communication testifies to His enduring love for us and His commitment to our salvation. The depth and extent of His thoughts towards us, His relational nature, and His ongoing conversation with mankind throughout history affirm this truth. In understanding this, we can strive to keep our spiritual ears open, inviting God’s voice to guide our lives as we deepen our relationship with Him. Through this divine communion, we find comfort, guidance, purpose, and an unyielding testament of His unending love for us.
For more information see CI’s Prophetic Training book: Hear God’s Voice chapter 2.
Adapted from chapter 2 of Hear God’s Voice by Christian International Ministries Network
Compiled By Ruth Pearce